Soft Washing


Soft wash your exterior surface to our usual high standard, while protecting the integrity of that surface from damage or paint stripping. 

A common misconception is that because your façade is painted you can’t get it cleaned as it will destroy the paint job, or that the pressure cleaner will damage the structure of the surface. Pro Brush staff are highly experienced in this area and have a range of different methods to clean your surface safely, while protecting the paint & the surface itself. Whether it be a light precise pressure clean, or a water-fed-brush with purified water, there is always a way for Pro Brush to revitalise your surface.

Washing the outside of the home includes the main features such as walls, fencing, roofing, windows, ceilings, under eaves and other feature areas such as mailboxes or statues. A whole home clean can be more affordable than you may think and can work to save you money in the long run. At Pro Brush our expert team are fully equipped with the right tools and equipment needed to provide you an excellent all-round service and finished product. We have been conducting thorough exterior cleaning for a long time and have identified the very best processes, products and tools to use for the best overall results. In the current climate it is vital that we keep the areas surrounding our home clean and free of dangerous germs and bacteria which can cause nasty illnesses.

Why Soft Washing?

Soft washing was developed out of necessity for a roof or exterior clean which would kill all mould growth including lichen for the long term without damaging the surface. Unlike high pressure washing which has an effect similar to “sand blasting” causing surface pitting which only encourages greater mould regrowth.  Every time any surface is pressure washed it will only remove the moulds biological growth making the surface appear clean, guaranting never killing the mould spores, the heart of any mould.  As a result, within one to three years the mould infestation levels will double making the surface appear darker.

Pro Brush® is Sydney’s only specialist that uses this exclusive biocide cleaning method that produces a premium long term clean every time.  We achieves this by using the latest water saving, no pressure, premium soft washing technology to gently apply our eco-friendly, biodegradable (pH7) same as tap water commercial grade custom formulated mould killer to any roof or exterior surface.

No Water Pressure – No Damage

15 Years Between House Washing

Ideal for Fragile Roofs

Kills & Gently Removes Toxic Moss and Mould

Safe for Plants & Pets

Ideal for Solar Panels

Rainwater Tank Safe

Biodegradable & Eco-friendly Cleaning Solution

Improves Curb Appeal & Property Value